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### Pongiste Points

## Pongiste 1 Pongiste 2 Points
## Nation Points





14/03/25 06:38:58

Evènements - Semaine 5

Tournoi International (Pyongyang)

Simple Sénior > 120


## Tb. Date Pongiste 1 Pongiste 2 Score
1 1 01/07/21 20:20 Altman Altaw  228 /
2 2 01/07/21 20:20 Werner Bauer  255 Leprechaun  102 8/11 2/11 5/11
3 3 01/07/21 20:20 ARUNA  73 Bobo Lamoto  305 11/4 11/8 11/6
4 4 01/07/21 20:20 Boom Boum  184 /
5 5 01/07/21 20:20 Dmitrij Prokopcov   70 /
6 6 01/07/21 20:20 Angus McChouffe Jr  289 Abu Salem  45 3/11 7/11 12/14
7 7 01/07/21 20:20 Jolan De Eri Len  48 Lois Little  62 11/4 11/4 11/7
8 8 01/07/21 20:20 George The Best  49 /
9 9 01/07/21 20:20 Monkey Shoulder  75 /
10 10 01/07/21 20:20 Juan Moreno  295 Glen SHAGGESSEN  67 11/4 11/4 11/7
11 11 01/07/21 20:20 Tomorrow Freedom  222 Tzvetan TODOROV  457 4/11 2/11 11/6 8/11
12 12 01/07/21 20:20 Paul Isson  192 /
13 1 01/07/21 20:30 Maknovtchina  153 /
14 2 01/07/21 20:30 Fanny JOW  132 Julian Barrosic  330 11/7 9/11 11/6 11/13 11/8
15 3 01/07/21 20:30 MOKLESS  175 Peat's Beast   220 11/6 11/5 11/6
16 4 01/07/21 20:30 Supergirl  225 /
17 5 01/07/21 20:30 Knockando  134 /
18 6 01/07/21 20:30 Mariano Diaz  86 Harold Saxon  206 10/12 11/4 12/14 6/11
19 7 01/07/21 20:30 Sheamus O'Shaunessy  307 Obélix  313 11/6 12/10 11/2
20 8 01/07/21 20:30 Victor Wooten  149 /
21 9 01/07/21 20:30 Hanale Rohic  198 /
22 10 01/07/21 20:30 Sherlock Holmes  70 Dmitry Glukhovsky  315 11/2 11/7 11/6
23 11 01/07/21 20:30 Eduardo DEVONISH  189 Nataan Tiito  180 11/7 9/11 5/11 6/11
24 12 01/07/21 20:30 Stef Ahn-Ho  90 /
25 1 01/07/21 20:40 Tina Mayer  207 /
26 2 01/07/21 20:40 Iroquois  140 Alonzy Alonso  178 2/11 5/11 5/11
27 3 01/07/21 20:40 Diego Branqui Algas  46 Bourbon Kid  166 11/8 11/4 12/14 8/11 11/4
28 4 01/07/21 20:40 Lluis Antor  204 /
29 5 01/07/21 20:40 Ondrej Pukki  73 /
30 6 01/07/21 20:40 Jaroslav Krtec  224 Fiorella Migliore  155 4/11 4/11 6/11
31 7 01/07/21 20:40 Soledad Rosas  169 Jamie Little  45 11/9 11/6 11/7
32 8 01/07/21 20:40 Saherdic Krzysztof  114 /
33 9 01/07/21 20:40 Lokoloko  184 /
34 10 01/07/21 20:40 Rodéo Rex  133 Bugsy Siegel  71 9/11 8/11 11/5 9/11
35 11 01/07/21 20:40 Fanfan Neymar Jr  53 Kédric Charolls  304 11/8 11/8 11/6
36 12 01/07/21 20:40 Jack Daniel's   96 /
37 1 01/07/21 20:50 Wonderwoman  196 /
38 2 01/07/21 20:50 Marcus Miller  274 PESARO  59 3/11 5/11 11/7 11/8 5/11
39 3 01/07/21 20:50 A Lice  278 Koba  83 11/8 12/10 11/5
40 4 01/07/21 20:50 Petit Blokeur  82 /
41 5 01/07/21 20:50 Alex Salvado  182 /
42 6 01/07/21 20:50 Veselin TOPALOV  456 Zeev Rosenstein  65 6/11 11/9 11/7 11/9
43 7 01/07/21 20:50 B Lice  270 Abba Nouri  273 12/10 11/5 11/4
44 8 01/07/21 20:50 Szcak Djah  88 /
45 9 01/07/21 20:50 Cassidy ILL  119 /
46 10 01/07/21 20:50 Magid Hassan  200 Glen Leopoldus  60 11/7 7/11 11/7 4/11 2/11
47 11 01/07/21 20:50 Pixi  29 Virus Corona  60 11/3 4/11 8/11 8/11
48 12 01/07/21 20:50 Si-Seup Kim  174 /
49 1 01/07/21 21:00 defman Altaw  211 /
50 2 01/07/21 21:00 Artyom Alekseyevich  314 taofik thewall  262 7/11 6/11 12/10 10/12
51 3 01/07/21 21:00 Theodore Monod Leopold  95 rchist Anna  215 11/2 11/3 11/7
52 4 01/07/21 21:00 Mercedes Comaposada  157 /
53 5 01/07/21 21:00 kickman Altaw  224 /
54 6 01/07/21 21:00 Stephan O' First  92 James Bond  72 2/11 4/11 13/15
55 7 01/07/21 21:00 Martine Laturbine  107 Viria Keass  336 12/10 7/11 6/11 7/11
56 8 01/07/21 21:00 Kevin O' First  77 /
57 9 01/07/21 21:00 Petr Korbel  107 /
58 10 01/07/21 21:00 PIXA  47 Alba Riquelme  125 3/11 7/11 2/11
59 11 01/07/21 21:00 Fanfan Mbappé  69 TESLA  74 11/3 11/6 11/4
60 12 01/07/21 21:00 Hervé Zinzinrela  211 /
61 1 01/07/21 21:10 Kanla Musiksson  175 /
62 2 01/07/21 21:10 Harkness Jack  200 Filip Ilijevski  286 11/8 8/11 8/11 8/11
63 3 01/07/21 21:10 Klaus Von Herst  157 Hans Müller  235 13/11 11/3 11/5
64 4 01/07/21 21:10 Prolactine  142 /


## Tb. Date Pongiste 1 Pongiste 2 Score
1 1 02/07/21 11:00 Altman Altaw  228 Leprechaun  102 10/12 12/14 11/6 6/11
2 2 02/07/21 11:00 ARUNA  73 Boom Boum  184 6/11 14/12 11/8 5/11 8/11
3 3 02/07/21 11:00 Dmitrij Prokopcov   70 Abu Salem  45 8/11 14/12 11/9 10/12 12/10
4 4 02/07/21 11:00 Jolan De Eri Len  48 George The Best  49 3/11 5/11 6/11
5 5 02/07/21 11:00 Monkey Shoulder  75 Juan Moreno  295 11/8 11/5 11/5
6 6 02/07/21 11:00 Tzvetan TODOROV  457 Paul Isson  192 5/11 10/12 9/11
7 7 02/07/21 11:00 Maknovtchina  153 Fanny JOW  132 11/9 11/1 11/5
8 8 02/07/21 11:00 MOKLESS  175 Supergirl  225 11/5 10/12 9/11 11/6 11/6
9 9 02/07/21 11:00 Knockando  134 Harold Saxon  206 11/3 11/0 11/6
10 10 02/07/21 11:00 Sheamus O'Shaunessy  307 Victor Wooten  149 3/11 8/11 6/11
11 11 02/07/21 11:00 Hanale Rohic  198 Sherlock Holmes  70 11/4 11/9 11/4
12 12 02/07/21 11:00 Nataan Tiito  180 Stef Ahn-Ho  90 2/11 5/11 8/11
13 1 02/07/21 11:10 Tina Mayer  207 Alonzy Alonso  178 11/9 9/11 11/4 11/9
14 2 02/07/21 11:10 Diego Branqui Algas  46 Lluis Antor  204 6/11 13/11 4/11 13/11 4/11
15 3 02/07/21 11:10 Ondrej Pukki  73 Fiorella Migliore  155 11/3 11/6 11/5
16 4 02/07/21 11:10 Soledad Rosas  169 Saherdic Krzysztof  114 3/11 10/12 4/11
17 5 02/07/21 11:10 Lokoloko  184 Bugsy Siegel  71 4/11 11/4 11/5 11/4
18 6 02/07/21 11:10 Fanfan Neymar Jr  53 Jack Daniel's   96 7/11 6/11 11/7 6/11
19 7 02/07/21 11:10 Wonderwoman  196 PESARO  59 2/11 11/6 5/11 11/6 9/11
20 8 02/07/21 11:10 A Lice  278 Petit Blokeur  82 9/11 11/9 10/12 4/11
21 9 02/07/21 11:10 Alex Salvado  182 Veselin TOPALOV  456 11/6 11/4 11/3
22 10 02/07/21 11:10 B Lice  270 Szcak Djah  88 6/11 6/11 6/11
23 11 02/07/21 11:10 Cassidy ILL  119 Glen Leopoldus  60 8/11 9/11 11/6 11/8 11/9
24 12 02/07/21 11:10 Virus Corona  60 Si-Seup Kim  174 3/11 5/11 2/11
25 1 02/07/21 11:20 defman Altaw  211 taofik thewall  262 12/10 13/11 11/7
26 2 02/07/21 11:20 Theodore Monod Leopold  95 Mercedes Comaposada  157 11/3 11/7 11/7
27 3 02/07/21 11:20 kickman Altaw  224 James Bond  72 11/3 11/9 4/11 11/6
28 4 02/07/21 11:20 Viria Keass  336 Kevin O' First  77 3/11 8/11 4/11
29 5 02/07/21 11:20 Petr Korbel  107 Alba Riquelme  125 11/8 9/11 11/4 11/7
30 6 02/07/21 11:20 Fanfan Mbappé  69 Hervé Zinzinrela  211 8/11 11/5 11/5 11/9
31 7 02/07/21 11:20 Kanla Musiksson  175 Filip Ilijevski  286 11/6 11/6 11/7
32 8 02/07/21 11:20 Klaus Von Herst  157 Prolactine  142 6/11 4/11 8/11


## Tb. Date Pongiste 1 Pongiste 2 Score
1 1 04/07/21 14:20 Maknovtchina  153 Theodore Monod Leopold  95 9/11 11/2 13/11 11/7
1 Akubueze Para
2 Kaloga Para
3 Kovacevic Vukan
4 Savicevic Dario
5 Lebrun Alexis
Classement complet
3 Eikki Vatanen
5 Leopoldus Glen
Classement complet
1 Galactique Le
2 Lactique Le gars
3 Scott Travis
4 Speed Ishow
5 Fantastique Le
Classement complet
1 Volt Usain
2 Chon ah Koni
3 Sanchez Alexis
4 Narit Ami
Classement complet
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